Tuesday, July 16, 2013

diy natural bronzer (spices)

as a wife of a college student and a mother to an 11-month old, i have a personal goal that is three-fold: 1) pinch pennies, 2) go natural/green, and 3) become more self-reliant.

for the last few months i've been in a battle to look my best without having to buy expensive makeup, let a lone put on and take off the makeup daily. before, my go-to makeup was concealer, bronzer, eyeliner, and mascara (somewhat minimalist - which is actually "in"). but with dwindling funds, my makeup routine has been only concealer and eyeliner (much more minimalist). thankfully, with summer tans, bronzer hasn't been needed as much.

however, i still believe in looking my best, so at some point, when winter approaches and i become less tan, i will be looking to a bronzer to finish my look.

thankfully, i have found the answer. hello to diy natural homemade bronzer!

image taken from blog.freepeople.com

the recipe is super simple, super natural, and oh so fun.

i found the recipe at this site. and here it is...

ground cinnamon
ground nutmeg
cocoa powder (i use carob powder)
a clean, seal-able container

play around with the quantities of each ingredient to get the right shade. and that's it! 

hint: cocoa/carob powder will make the bronzer darker, cinnamon will enhance the glow, etc.


what other amazing diy natural makeup products have you found or that you use?

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