Thursday, November 21, 2013


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I let someone down today. It's hard when many depend on you. And it doesn't make it easy when you are in positions that are open to scrutinization.

Just a word to those who are let down, or find themselves feeling offended: Please. Be gentle. It will often, if not always, be the case the imperfect human you find yourself offended at never dreamed of giving you any offense. Your spoken and even unspoken wrath, however deserved or undeserved, crushes a tender soul, be that was your intent or not.

In today's case, I'd like to believe the "crushing" was not intended.

I once heard it said, "To be offended when offense was meant is to be a fool. To be offended when no offense was meant is to be a greater fool."  May I never be a fool.

To those who find that they have unintentionally offended or wounded another, and have become aware of the fact, I tell you, I feel your pain. Because it is painful, if you sincerely meant no offense.

Or if you did intend to offend, and have realized the full impact of your actions, and now regret your choice, I tell you, I feel your pain.

Where from here??

Some words from one of my favorite songs come to mind...

"Gentle", by Michael McLean

Like a gentle wind can blow the clouds from the sky,
Like a gentle touch can ease the pain of goodbye,
Like a gentle smile embraces
Empty souls in lonely places,
We should be more gentle with ourselves

Like the Shepherd leads His flock with gentle commands,
With His gentle words that only hearts understand
One thing that I know for certain
He has born the awful burden
So I can be gentle with myself 

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